Summer Balanced Selection

Summary of investment objective and strategy

We aim to achieve positive long-term returns by choosing exposure across asset classes.

Investors can expect:

  • moderate to high levels of movement up and down in value
  • longer-term returns that are higher than those of the Summer Conservative Selection (but with more risk), and lower than those of the Summer Growth Selection (but with less risk).

Target investment mix

What is a target investment mix? The target mix of asset classes that a fund manager aims to hold in a given fund – e.g. the target percentages of shares and bonds. This can often be different from a fund’s actual asset allocation, which is the mix of asset classes that a fund has at any moment.

We aim to invest in...

Tactical asset allocation

What is a tactical asset allocation? Tactical asset allocation is when you move away from your target asset allocation to buy more of something that you think attractive (or to sell out of markets you think are unattractive). In the jargon, as a matter of tactics you go over-weight to a particular asset class (or maybe under-weight if you think something is unlikely to give good returns in the coming months).

We have chosen the following tactical asset allocation for Summer Balanced Selection

These can move in line with market movements and we review the portfolio and adjust asset allocation accordingly.

The date of the last review was: 19/06/2024

Summer Balanced Selection Allocated %
New Zealand cash 8.00%
New Zealand fixed interest 23.50%
International fixed interest 16.50%
Total income assets 48.00%
New Zealand equities 13.50%
Australian equities 13.50%
Listed property 3.00%
International equities 22.00%
Total growth assets 52.00%
Total portfolio 100.0%

Apply Summer Balanced Selection

Risk indicator

The risk indicator is rated from 1 (low) to 7 (high). The rating reflects how much the value of the fund’s assets goes up and down (volatility). A higher risk generally means higher potential returns over time, but more ups and down along the way.

Minimum suggested investment timeframe

At least five years 


Fund manager

The investment manager is Octagon Asset Management who is responsible for the day to day investment management for each of the funds. Learn more about Octagon Asset Management.

Further information can be found in the product disclosure statement or Quarterly Fund Updates

Are you ready to join Summer? It's quick and easy to complete the form to get the process underway. Just have your IRD number and drivers licence or passport ready.

Join the Summer KiwiSaver scheme  


On the 8 April 2019 the Summer Investment Selection was renamed the Summer Balanced Selection.