Fund | Brief description of fund and investment objective | Target investment mix | Risk indicator | Minimum suggested investment timeframe | Annual fund charges^ |
Summer New Zealand Cash |
The fund invests in cash, cash equivalents and short-term New Zealand fixed interest assets. We aim to provide a return above the Official Cash Rate (OCR) over a rolling 12 month period. |
65% Cash and cash equivalents |
Less than 12 months | 0.5% p.a. |
Summer New Zealand Fixed Interest |
The fund invests in New Zealand fixed interest assets. We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than the Bloomberg NZBond Composite 0+ Yr Index. |
5% Cash and cash equivalents |
At least three years | 0.75% p.a. |
Summer Global Fixed Interest |
The fund invests in international fixed interest assets. We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Total Return Index (hedged to New Zealand dollars). |
5% Cash and cash equivalents |
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At least three years | 0.75% p.a. |
Summer New Zealand Equities |
The fund invests mostly in New Zealand shares, and can invest in Australian listed shares where the company has meaningful operations in New Zealand. We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than the S&P/NZX50 Gross with Imputation Index. |
5% Cash and cash equivalents |
At least five years | 0.9% p.a. |
Summer Australian Equities |
The fund invests mostly in Australian shares, and can invest in New Zealand listed shares where the company has meaningful operations in Australia. We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index, 50% hedged to the New Zealand dollar. |
5% Cash and cash equivalents |
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At least five years | 0.9% p.a. |
Summer Listed Property |
The fund invests in listed financial products issued by entities whose principal business involves the owning or managing of property, property-like assets or real assets. We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than the S&P/NZX All Real Estate Gross with Imputation Index. |
5% Cash and cash equivalents |
At least five years | 0.9% p.a. |
Summer Global Equities |
The fund invests in international shares. We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than the MSCI ACWI Net Total Return Index, 50% hedged to the New Zealand dollar. |
10% Cash and cash equivalents |
At least five years | 0.9% p.a. |
Summer Conservative Selection |
We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than a composite benchmark.* Investors can expect:
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At least three years | 0.75% p.a. |
Summer Balanced Selection |
We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than a composite benchmark.* Investors can expect:
7% Cash and cash equivalents |
At least five years | 0.9% p.a. |
Summer Growth Selection |
We aim to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than a composite benchmark.* Investors can expect:
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At least five years | 0.9% p.a. |
^ An account fee of $3 per member per month is also charged.
*The composite benchmark for each multi-asset class fund is a made up of the single asset class benchmarks weighted by the target asset allocation for the asset class. The single asset class benchmarks are the same as the benchmarks for our single asset class funds.
If you are not sure which investment choice is right for you, you will find information in the product disclosure statement that can assist you. We also have a short questionnaire which allows you to discover what your risk appetite is.
If you are ready to join Summer it's quick and easy to complete the form to get the process underway. Just have your IRD number and drivers licence or passport ready.
Determine your investment profile
Join the Summer KiwiSaver scheme