For further information click on each fund name below.
Fund returns and unit price as at 28 February 2025 at a 28% Prescribed Investor Rate
Fund Name | 1 Month | 3 Months | 1 Year | 3 Year^ | Total since inception (annualised) | Unit Price |
Summer New Zealand Cash* | 0.22% | 0.79% | 3.91% | 3.20% | 1.54% | $1.1963 |
Summer New Zealand Fixed Interest* | 0.42% | 0.77% | 5.00% | 2.12% | 1.67% | $1.2111 |
Summer Global Fixed Interest* | 0.87% | 0.90% | 4.24% | 0.60% | 1.28% | $1.1460 |
Summer New Zealand Equities* | -3.07% | -3.72% | 4.79% | 1.17% | 6.82% | $1.7428 |
Summer Australian Equities* | -3.84% | -2.90% | 8.41% | 8.12% | 7.66% | $2.0009 |
Summer Listed Property* | -3.05% | -3.94% | -0.53% | -5.17% | 2.71% | $1.2421 |
Summer Global Equities* | 0.18% | 4.71% | 16.36% | 10.08% | 9.49% | $2.2470 |
Summer Conservative Selection** | -0.24% | 0.42% | 6.01% | 2.98% | 2.85% | $1.2130 |
Summer Balanced Selection* | -0.66% | 0.59% | 7.75% | 4.25% | 5.29% | $1.6099 |
Summer Growth Selection** | -1.12% | 0.72% | 9.40% | 5.49% | 5.87% | $1.4342 |
Fund Name |
1 Month | 3 Months | 1 Year | 3 Year^ | Total since inception (annualised) | Unit Price |
Summer New Zealand Cash* | 0.25% | 0.91% | 4.49% | 3.67% | 1.77% | $1.1963 |
Summer New Zealand Fixed Interest* | 0.48% | 0.88% | 5.73% | 2.43% | 1.91% | $1.2111 |
Summer Global Fixed Interest* | 1.00% | 1.04% | 4.87% | 0.93% | 1.64% | $1.1460 |
Summer New Zealand Equities* | -3.06% | -3.68% | 5.15% | 1.53% | 7.17% | $1.7428 |
Summer Australian Equities* | -3.82% | -2.90% | 8.66% | 8.52% | 8.03% | $2.0009 |
Summer Listed Property* | -3.03% | -3.89% | -0.33% | -4.97% | 2.92% | $1.2421 |
Summer Global Equities* | 0.20% | 4.51% | 16.37% | 10.20% | 9.80% | $2.2470 |
Summer Conservative Selection** | -0.18% | 0.49% | 6.54% | 3.30% | 3.11% | $1.2130 |
Summer Balanced Selection* | -0.62% | 0.60% | 8.14% | 4.53% | 5.59% | $1.6099 |
Summer Growth Selection** | -1.09% | 0.67% | 9.66% | 5.76% | 6.15% | $1.4342 |
Fund Name | 1 Month | 3 Months | 1 Year | 3 Year^ | Total since inception (annualised) | Unit Price |
Summer New Zealand Cash* | 0.27% | 0.98% | 4.88% | 3.99% | 1.92% | $1.1963 |
Summer New Zealand Fixed Interest* | 0.52% | 0.96% | 6.22% | 2.63% | 2.06% | $1.2111 |
Summer Global Fixed Interest* | 1.08% | 1.12% | 5.29% | 1.15% | 1.88% | $1.1460 |
Summer New Zealand Equities* | -3.04% | -3.65% | 5.39% | 1.77% | 7.40% | $1.7428 |
Summer Australian Equities* | -3.81% | -2.91% | 8.82% | 8.79% | 8.28% | $2.0009 |
Summer Listed Property* | -3.02% | -3.86% | -0.19% | -4.85% | 3.06% | $1.2421 |
Summer Global Equities* | 0.21% | 4.38% | 16.37% | 10.27% | 10.01% | $2.2470 |
Summer Conservative Selection** | -0.14% | 0.53% | 6.91% | 3.51% | 3.28% | $1.2130 |
Summer Balanced Selection* | -0.59% | 0.61% | 8.41% | 4.71% | 5.79% | $1.6099 |
Summer Growth Selection** | -1.08% | 0.64% | 9.84% | 5.94% | 6.34% | $1.4342 |
^ Annualised
* Funds commenced 19 September 2016
** Funds commenced 8 April 2019. Fund returns are calculated net of fund charges, trading expenses and accrued tax for a New Zealand resident individual paying tax at the Prescribed Investor Rate identified above.
View the latest Quarterly Fund Updates. Prior quarterly and annual disclosure statements for the Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Scheme are located here.
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This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial product and does not take your personal circumstances into account. All opinions reflect our judgement on the date of communication and may change without notice. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. We recommend you take financial advice before making investment decisions. We have prepared this web page in good faith based on information obtained from other sources, but we do not guarantee the accuracy of that information. We do not make any representation or warranty (express or implied) that this web page is accurate, complete, or current and to the maximum extent permitted by law disclaim any liability for loss which may be incurred by any person relying on this web page.