If you're not working, self-employed or just want to deposit money into your KiwiSaver account, there are a number of ways you can add funds by making voluntary contributions. You may wish to optimise your contributions to access the Government contribution.
The Summer KiwiSaver scheme has no minimum transaction requirements, so you can adjust your contributions in line with your cash flow.
Summer is set up as a registered payee on most banks to make it easy for you to make voluntary contributions. Just have your IRD number and Summer account number handy. You can find your account number at the top of your profile.
It is important that when making contributions through online banking that you include your surname, IRD number and Summer account number in the required reference fields. This will ensure the contribution gets applied to your account correctly.
You can set up a regular voluntary contribution via automatic payment on your bank's website using the ‘Summer KiwiSaver scheme’ registered payee.
To make a one-off voluntary contribution into your Summer account via internet banking, simply follow these steps.
If you save the payee at the time of setting up an automatic payment or making a one-off contribution, this should be added to your list of pre-existing payees. This means that next time you make a payment into your account, you can select Summer from your pre-existing payee list and the payee details plus all reference fields will automatically populate.
Alternatively, you can enter the payee details manually using the below account number:
Summer KiwiSaver scheme
Recently the banking industry introduced the Confirmation of Payee (CoP) service. The service is designed to provide added security and accuracy for online banking payments. When making payments the new service checks the recipient’s account name and number to see if they match bank records.
We are aware that this has meant that some people have been receiving a notification when making payments if the account name is not 100% correct. This is an industry-wide issue impacting deposits. The issue is not specific to any bank and is impacting multiple financial services businesses.
Please be assured that there is no impact on any payments being made by Summer to Summer KiwiSaver scheme members.
To set up a new direct debit you will need to complete an additional regular contributions form as well as an authority to accept direct debits form.
If you established a direct debit at the time of applying to the Summer KiwiSaver scheme and need to make changes to it, you can do so by ticking “change to an existing direct debit” on the additional regular contributions form.
Please take the time to ensure that the bank account number is entered correctly and the date of the first direct debit is completed. Please allow 10 business days from when we receive your completed forms for your direct debit to activate.
If the direct debit is being taken from a joint account, both account holders will need to sign the direct debit authority.
One off payments can also be made via the Inland Revenue Department. Find out more.
If you have any questions about making voluntary contributions or you want to check that we have received and processed your voluntary payment, please contact us.